Service Efficiency with Qsystem

Qsystem is used in various commercial and governmental organizations. The system is quite advantageous in general. One of these advantages is a fair and controlled waiting period. You can achieve more efficient results when you plan every step in an organization. And as a result, your customers are satisfied with your services.
  Patient Flow Management System
  Effective planning in real time is safer and more efficient for patients. Patient flow management, which you can see as an innovative solution, provides improvements throughout the hospital. In addition to maximizing the bearing capacity, maintenance time is shortened. Combinations in the system ensure a common working environment. This leads to effective patient care. The system manages supply and demand. There are three parts in the bed method. They are also linked to services in the field of patient transport. The system, which is used in many hospitals around the world, adds new companies with 60000 installations each year. The system has some basic elements.
  Qmagic is designed to help you track all your ranking problems, your employees and your patients more efficiently. From the first year, you start to use, you can make significant savings. Besides being the main queue system software, it supports many features. These can be listed as templates, reports, voice announcements and centralized management. The fact that the system has many references worldwide is also insurance for you to use safely.
  Touch Screen Kiosks
  The heart of the patient flow method system is the kiosk. These devices provide the first contact with the customer and guide patients without appointment or appointment. There is no computer required to use these devices. All units that the patient may need are programmed in this area. The device has a binary message board. The patient screen is the second part. These parts can use as many units as required. Its large monitors enable staff and patients to continuously update vital information. These screens include paid fees, promotional messages, sequence number, even number of visits that can be visited, and vital information such as clinics and counters.
  Advantages of QSystem
  Increasing your service efficiency will increase your qmatic revenue. Having a good management procedure provides important advantages. It is among the most advantageous features to keep the queues tidy and to increase customer loyalty. Giving customers the opportunity to move into the lobby will stop long lines. In this way, staff efficiency will be ensured. Detailed efficiency reports can also be obtained by optimizing resource allocation to managers. The technologically advanced system helps independent and PC-based work. All these features increase your customer flow. It also allows you to manage the queues more successfully. Bad queue conditions will adversely affect customers. Your competitors' self-improvement in this sense may cause you to lose customers who are not satisfied with their expectations. With this system, both these problems can be prevented and staff efficiency can be improved.

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