Fog System that moisturizes without getting wet


Fog System that moisturizes without getting wet

The fog system, which provides a rapid cooling of the environment, is used to provide the moisture that the plants in the greenhouses need. This system, which was established to reduce the indoor temperature in the greenhouses; It is a technique that provides soil irrigation and humidification of the air. Fogging can be done in different ways. Among these methods, the appropriate one is preferred.

  High Pressure Fog Sytem Applications

  Chrome pipes are used in the high pressure fogging system. Water particles are thinned down to microns with 70 bar pressure. In this application, there is no water residue on the plant. In general, humidity can be increased by creating fog in greenhouses. This way the temperature drops. In this method, which works depending on the humidity level and temperatures, there may be a decrease in temperatures. The high pressure fogging system has some benefits.

  * Optimum humidity is obtained.

 * The temperature is lowered.

 * Fogging can be done using fungicides and pesticides.

 * CO2 loss will be less.

 * Better plant activity is obtained.

 * Increase in end product quality and crop production.

  Low Pressure Fog System Applications

  Polyethylene pipes are used during the installation phase. The pressure in this area is between 6-7 bars. It is an easy-to-install and cost-effective fog system application. In these systems, increasing the humidity in the greenhouses is provided at very reasonable costs.

 These systems are mostly recommended for the correction of high humidity conditions in the early stages of planting. Or it can be used to prevent extreme temperatures. Those found in the equipment of the low pressure system;

  * Filter head

 * It is among the high pressure electro pump in the required dimensions and the nozzle pressure supply equipment required for the consumption of the spray.

 * Wholesale regional coverage and distribution network

 * The system nozzles are also a small drip system that facilitates the evaporation of air in low pressure water at low pressures such as 1 to 4 bars.


 The distribution of its number should be sufficient. In addition, very efficient results can be obtained by properly assembling the nozzles.

  Working Logic of Fogging System

  The fog system, which consists of different elements, provides cooling by evaporating small water droplets. The heat in the environment is absorbed. Spray nozzles sprinkle water droplets finer than ten microns, allowing the plant and the environment to increase moisture without getting wet. The elements in the system can be listed as follows.

  * 70-150 bar 5-35 I / min. Capacity high pressure pump

 * Pressure regulator and ansynchronized electromotor

 * Filter that mechanically cleans the water and prevents clogging

 * Control panel and spray nozzle

  Usage Areas of the System

  These systems, which are used in many areas where air conditioning is required; It is also used for disinfection, cooling, humidification, irrigation and sterilization purposes. With this system, it stays cool but you don't feel wet.

  Water particles fall down to 15 microns in cooling systems. In this way, the environment is refreshed in a quality way. Cooling can be provided up to 15 degrees in environments. It can also be saved in energy and water use. It will provide an advantage in terms of efficiency, quality environment and cost in usage areas.


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